What is 1000 paper cranes?

I love making paper cranes, and each time I make one, I realise there's a story behind it. So my challenge is to make 1000 paper cranes over the coming days, weeks, months, (years?) and write about each one...

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Crane #767 - #808

My mum commented on how much she liked the photos and video from the origami bombing I did in Bristol, so when I headed home for winter, I took some with me.

Unfortunately the weather wasn't particularly conducive to hanging strings of cranes outside, but I persevered, and hung 42 cranes on the porch outside my parents front door. They didn't last long sadly, but it looked lovely for a short amount of time...

p.s. Sorry for the crap photos. Turns out the windyness doesn't make photography easy either...

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