Hammock - Breathturn from David Altobelli on Vimeo.
What is 1000 paper cranes?
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Crane #152 - #180
Friday, 17 June 2011
Crane #146 - #151

Sunday, 12 June 2011
Crane #130 - #145
So a pub was picked, and cider was bought. All origami lessons should involve cider. Soon there was a mountain of cranes, and Jess picked 6 to make into a decoration.
Our friend George turned up and asked if he could take some of the remaining cranes to turn into a mobile for his friend's baby, also called George. So 10 cranes are now being crafted into a lovely mobile.
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Crane #124 - #129
Poor cafe kino. Every time I go there (which is fairly regularly), I leave a trail of cranes. Two consecutive days of working in there for a few hours resulted in 6 cranes. 4 were left for the next visitors, one was given to a friend who I bumped into in there, and the final one was given to one of the chefs after she asked me about them. Cranes cranes everywhere...
Crane #120 - #123
My parents came down to visit at the weekend. Some of the first cranes I ever made (before starting this project) were in January of this year. My mum wasn't well, and was recovering in hospital after an operation. From previous experience I knew the hospital didn't let you take in flowers (even fake ones) and so I made some cranes on the train, using scrap paper from my masters thesis (that I was proof reading at the time). My mum loved them, taking them home with her when she got out of hospital.
And so when they visited, whilst having coffee, I made them each one.

And then I made a few extra to hide in the flowers on the table...

Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Crane #117, #118 and #119