What is 1000 paper cranes?

I love making paper cranes, and each time I make one, I realise there's a story behind it. So my challenge is to make 1000 paper cranes over the coming days, weeks, months, (years?) and write about each one...

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Crane #152 - #180

I came up with the idea of origami-bombing after seeing some yarn bombing near my house. I got inspired by this video to do something similar by brightening up the local area with origami cranes:

And so I started stringing up cranes, and weather proofed them with some clear acrylic spray paint. I've got my eye on a big project with 100 cranes, but as a trial, Jo and I tied up 29 cranes (there were 30 but one fell off on the way down the stairs) to the railings next to my house.

This guy stopped and chatted to us for a little while - it was nice to know that we at least made one person smile...

Friday, 17 June 2011

Crane #146 - #151

Another day in Kino, another pair of cranes...

And then three cranes in Canteen, including my friend Leah who works in there.

And finally, a crane in the Kingsdown Wine Vaults (no photo) when I went for a drink with my sis. It was lovely to see that the cranes I left there last time were on display on the bar still :o)

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Crane #130 - #145

My friend Jess told me that she wanted to make some cranes to string up and send to her cousin in Stockholm, who is a fan of Japanese things.

So a pub was picked, and cider was bought. All origami lessons should involve cider. Soon there was a mountain of cranes, and Jess picked 6 to make into a decoration.

Our friend George turned up and asked if he could take some of the remaining cranes to turn into a mobile for his friend's baby, also called George. So 10 cranes are now being crafted into a lovely mobile.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Crane #124 - #129

Poor cafe kino. Every time I go there (which is fairly regularly), I leave a trail of cranes. Two consecutive days of working in there for a few hours resulted in 6 cranes. 4 were left for the next visitors, one was given to a friend who I bumped into in there, and the final one was given to one of the chefs after she asked me about them. Cranes cranes everywhere...

Crane #120 - #123

My parents came down to visit at the weekend. Some of the first cranes I ever made (before starting this project) were in January of this year. My mum wasn't well, and was recovering in hospital after an operation. From previous experience I knew the hospital didn't let you take in flowers (even fake ones) and so I made some cranes on the train, using scrap paper from my masters thesis (that I was proof reading at the time). My mum loved them, taking them home with her when she got out of hospital.

And so when they visited, whilst having coffee, I made them each one.

And then I made a few extra to hide in the flowers on the table...

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Crane #117, #118 and #119

I went to Bath on Monday to catch up with some old friends. As has now become a habit, I made a crane on the train and left him for the next unsuspecting passenger.

And then I crafted a quick thank you crane for my friend John after he bought me coffee (note: will make cranes for caffeinated beverages).

And finally, when wondering around Bath with my friends Abby and Kat, we stumbled across a wildlife photography exhibition. One of the photos was of Japanese cranes, and it seemed only right that I introduced one of my cranes to his namesake...